Shteryo Lyomov
Associate Professor, Faculty of Geology, The University of Mining and Geology named after “St. Ivan Rilski”
Shteryo Lyomov has professional interests in the field of drilling technology – cementing, drilling fluids and hydraulics, fluid flow in porous media as well as bottom hole tools. The last decade his focus is in the directional diamond core drilling. He has over 30 years of teaching experience as well as R&D experience. He is lecturing at the Dept. of Drilling at The Mining and Geology University in Sofia. Mr. Lyomov has over 25 publications and 3 patents. For eight years he has been involved in R&D research projects in NTNU/IPT in Trondheim, Norway. While with Devico, he was instrumental for building the field division and company training school. He holds MSc and PhD degrees in drilling engineering from the Mining and Geology University in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Directional diamond drilling – recent developments.
The presentation is aimed to show the recent developments of directional diamond drilling and its increasingly popularity and application in ore deposits exploration. Modern equipment and technologies are analyzed and discussed. Couple of examples of its applications are presented.