Chris Nind
VP Business Development, Abitibi Geophysics Inc
Chris Nind is a Toronto based senior geophysicist and the Vice President of Abitibi Geophysics. He was the General Chair of the Exploration ’17 conference in Toronto in October 2017, and a past President of the Canadian Exploration Geophysical Society. Since graduating in 1977 from Queen’s University with a BSc in mathematics, he has worked as a geophysicist with Geoterrex, Dighem and Fugro Airborne Surveys in various management positions. From 2004 to 2013, he was the President & CEO of Scintrex Ltd. He joined Abitibi Geophysics in November 2017. He has authored and co-authored numerous technical papers on exploration geophysics and presented papers at many international conferences.
Advances in Induced Polarization and Borehole Logging: Increasing the Depth of Investigation with High Resolution
Abitibi Geophysics and DGI Geoscience, with their local partner Terragold, now provide the deep penetrating OreVision™ induced polarization technology and a full suite of borehole logging tools for geophysical surveys in the Balkans. Abitibi Geophysics’ OreVision™ greatly increases the depth of penetration of dipole-dipole and pole-dipole induced polarization surveys without sacrificing resolution, by increasing the n-spacings with a constant a-spacing. DGI’s logging suites are applied in the acquisition and interpretation of physical rock properties, televiewer and borehole geometry for exploration in- and near-mines and on brownfield sites; geotechnical investigation in underground and open-pit mines and for environmental and infrastructure projects; and, data analytics to examine borehole breakouts and stress directions and monitor wear on paste and shotcrete backfill lines for underground mines.
This talk will present case studies with inversion results and drilling targets of recent OreVision™ Induced Polarization surveys for porphyry copper and gold in Canada and Kazakhstan. A borehole logging example of recently acquired televiewer data from Kazakhstan will also be included.