Hubert André-Dumont, Partner, AKD will present on Mine permitting: Challenges in the EU – Legal aspects at MINEX Europe Forum taking place in Sofia on 25-27 June.
As appears from the MINLEX report, the wide variety of permitting processes in the EU is challenging for mining investors in the non-energy extractive industry. However, mining companies cannot be kept dependent on slow and sometimes complex permitting procedures that interfere with other regulations (environmental, labour, chemicals, etc.), while fixing their mining rights is key and preliminary to all other related regulatory issues. Streamlined and focused processes combined with harmonisation of regulations would favour the investment climate and allow relaunching EU’s own mining industry and production to the best interest of the consumers, of the host countries and of the mining operators.
The presentation will outline an attempt to remove barriers to mine permitting in order to improve the permitting process in the EU.