With huge volatility in the demand and supply of the battery metals, increasing focus is given to pricing trends in Lithium, Cobalt and Spodumene over recent months. Volatility has been particularly focused on spreads between seaborne and Chinese domestic battery grade lithium and cobalt prices which have been volatile over recent months, but there are mechanisms to manage risk and there is much that market participants can do to manage price risk in the battery metals industry.
In a presentation to MINEX Europe 2019, Marcel Goldenberg, Manager, Ferrous, Battery Metals and Derivatives at S&P Global Platts will identify where bottlenecks in the battery metals industry are likely to be and how these could be overcome. Limited use of hedging mechanisms for lithium is a true sore spot for listed companies and the presentation will give buyers and sellers an insight into how this problem could be solved. Of course, a presentation on Battery Metals could not be complete without looking at the demand side for Electric Vehicles. MINEX Europe 2019 will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 25-27 June 2019.
Image source: Parent Géry – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5917507.