Johannes Drielsma
Deputy Director, Euromines
Mr. Drielsma is the Deputy Director of Euromines. An environmental engineer by training, he spent the first 10 years of his career gaining industrial experience in mining of raw materials as well as research and product applications. He has been representing Euromines since 2005.
Implementation of EU environmental legislation and challenges facing the mining sectors of Bulgaria
Since time immemorial, in addition to adaptive management of sources and consumption of energy, mining has primarily been about cost-efficient handling of land, water and waste. Now, in modern times, we all expect mining companies to exercise value-adding and responsible management practices in accordance with what we often call a Social Licence to Operate (SLO). An update will be provided on the European Union’s efforts to create a more Circular Economy in the Bulgarian mining sectors; to ensure best practice management of mining wastes; and to reform the regulatory component of SLO - environmental permitting.